Category Archive: coyote poet

I used to be….

I used to be… A man is telling me of all his many deeds and accomplishments.I smile and listen.Pretend I care. I don’t believe in talking about the past.Today I am who I am.What matters… Continue reading

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You are the love of my life…

You are the love of my life A Poem by Coyote PoetryWe forget sometimes to show love to the people who truly loved us.                         You are the love of my life…. Once we… Continue reading

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Seconds in time…..

Seconds in time…..              I learn in a bloody crazy life.              Seconds become so important.              I went to war in 1991.             I called my Gandfather Reyes… Continue reading

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The wild and the tamed…

The wild and the tamed A Poem by Coyote PoetryIs is better to play dead or create fear?                             The wild and the tamed… Some men don’t fear death.They don’t believe in destiny or… Continue reading

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I understand why we protect the wildflowers…

I understand why we protect the wildflowers now. A Poem by Coyote PoetryWildflowers are protected in Michigan. Took me years to understand why.                  I understand why we protect the wildflowers now… I sit… Continue reading

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True love gives all…

True love gives all…. Sixty five years together.He stood by my grandmother with his hand in her hand.His loving eyes never leaving her beautiful face. He shopped daily at the Farmer Jacks and bought her… Continue reading

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The human touch…

The human touch. A Poem by Coyote PoetryThe easiest gift to give is concern, time and to listen. In a world of fast pace and little time. We must slow down and show the… Continue reading

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You did not leave me my friend…

You did not leave me my friend. A Poem by Coyote PoetrySome scars cannot heal. We learn to live with them.                          … Continue reading

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Old soldier…

Old Soldier A Story by Coyote PoetryOnly Soldiers understand what another soldier had saw and felt. Strangers to war and violence cannot understand. When you are near death for too long. You appreciate being… Continue reading

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Beautiful journey…

Beautiful journey. A Poem by Coyote PoetryA wise person ensure they take the good road.                     Beautiful journey…. A thousand roads to choose.We can ride into darkness without fear of the consequences ortake the… Continue reading

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