Tag Archive: Devil


Ecstasy My love, I have found you.I want to make love to you from feet to sweet lips. Your brightness and sadness I need to know. I want us nude, heart and mind… Continue reading

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The Gypsy dance

                                  The Gypsy dance. A Poem by Coyote Poetry Good to know freedom and understand the dance… Continue reading

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The blue eyed girl.

The blue eyed girl A Poem by Coyote Poetry A old poem with a rewrite from 1992. I found a book with loads of unpublished poetry. From 20 years ago. I was free… Continue reading

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Death will bring peace.

Death will bring peace A Poem by Coyote Poetry A old true story. Death will bring peace.A pretty and kind Angel sleeps alone. She turns from love and accepted solitude. In the darkness… Continue reading

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Beautiful Brigitte

                Beautiful Brigitte (Few people touch our hearts who want nothing in return. I was thankful 34 years ago and today for my blue eyes Angel who… Continue reading

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Sing and dance till the end.

                       ( I don’t blame God. Free-will of man had led us to a place of decision. Learn forgiveness and kindness or leave nothing for the kids?) Sing and dance till the end… Continue reading

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“Twisted city. ”

Twisted City Part one A Chapter by Coyote Poetry Never underestimate fate. When we swim in sin. The Devil may find you. Twisted city ( Men with evil and cold hearts they believe… Continue reading

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The Gypsy dance.

The Gypsy dance. A Poem by Coyote Poetry Good to know freedom and understand the dance of free-will and dreams.  The Gypsy dance Late at night on the Monterey bay. If you listen… Continue reading

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