Tag Archive: ernest Hemingway

Hemingway last dance…

Hemingway last dance I returned Monterey in late May of 2018.  I fell in love with her in 1992. Old Army send me to Fort Ord, California after the Gulf war. The Pacific… Continue reading

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Ernest Hemingway…

Ernest Hemingway A Poem by Coyote Poetry A great writer lost too soon.”   Ernest Hemingway… When I was young. I wanted to be like Ernest Hemingway. He found peace in war, tropical places… Continue reading

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Hemingway table…

Hemingway table.. I found Hemingway table in Paris, in the Spring of 1978. I found Hemingway table in Monterey, California in 1992. I searched Central and South America  for three years, seeking the… Continue reading

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Broken man prayers…

Broken man prayers A Poem by Coyote Poetry  We pay for every sin my friend. Walk softly through life. Real and solid things come to us rarely.               … Continue reading

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Hemingway’s whiskey…

Hemingway’s whiskey     Hemingway saw war, he loved, he drank and he danced with the pretty gals throughout the four corners of my world. I tried to follow his path, to seek… Continue reading

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Edgar Allan Poe, Salinger and Hemingway

Happy Tuesday, my friends. Some nice things to be read. Be careful and be safe.  

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“Looking for my Agnes”

   Looking for my Agnes Hemingway wrote of his Agnes. A love, who saved him and left him. Hemingway learn. Love in war, just gifts of the survivors. We must go home. Took… Continue reading

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“Concrete angel”

Concrete angel   It was a Spring morning in Austin, Texas in 1995. The yearly poetry weekend was here. My favorite time of the year. My only attempt at verbal poetry for me… Continue reading

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I wanna fall in love

Once, I was seeking the Hemingway life. Running toward war and away from love and life. Somehow I found the J.D Salinger silence. Once, bold and foolish man. Now he sit by the… Continue reading

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One of my favorite

Je t’aime A Poem by Coyote Poetry Just words Je t’aime- I love you You told me in Paris once. “Je t’aime my Johnnie.” Your words like sweet wine overtook my mind and… Continue reading

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