Tag Archive: Kahlil Gibran

Copy and paste

Copy and paste A Poem by Coyote Poetry Can you truly protect your words and art.                            Copy and paste New world my brothers and sisters writers and artist. Computers are running the… Continue reading

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A picture is worth a thousand words.

  (A photo found unclaimed on Writer’s cafe. It was famous once.  Don’t need   words to express the sadness.)           You are gone and I’m here   War,… Continue reading

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Solitude and seclusion.

Solitude and seclusion. A Poem by Coyote Poetry Easy to be blind then see the real world?                                 Solitude and seclusion. (Man is weak by his own hand, for he has refashioned God’s… Continue reading

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Why do we write story and poetry?

Why do we write story and poetry? A Poem by Coyote Poetry Old wise saying. “Nothing good to say. Say nothing.” Poetry, my dear friends, is a sacred incarnation of a smile. Poetry… Continue reading

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What is real?

What is real? A Poem by Coyote Poetry Many questions are asked. Few people can speak the truth.                              Poetry, my dear friends, is a sacred incarnation of a smile. Poetry is… Continue reading

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