Tag Archive: Tequila

The lost and found

The lost and found A Poem by Coyote Poetry When love is misplaced. hard to find again.                      The lost and found I loved the Monterey  nights.  I would walk from Fort Ord,… Continue reading

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The Gypsy dance

                          The Gypsy dance Late at night on the Monterey bay. If you listen well. Can hear the strong voices and… Continue reading

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Sing and dance till the end.

                       ( I don’t blame God. Free-will of man had led us to a place of decision. Learn forgiveness and kindness or leave nothing for the kids?) Sing and dance till the end… Continue reading

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The Gypsy dance.

The Gypsy dance A Poem by Coyote Poetry Life is to be celebrated. Love is to make feel alive. Pain teaches us we have lived. The Gypsy dance Late at night on the… Continue reading

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Blinded. But not dead yet.

A old poem written in 1993. The coastline and kind people of the California  made me find dreams and hope. Blinded. But not dead yet. A Poem by Coyote Poetry Old poem. Same… Continue reading

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