Come live with me and be my love…

Come live with me and be my love..

A Poem by Coyote Poetry

"I stole a line from the great writer Christopher Marlowe”

Come live with me and be my love…

(Come live with me and be my love, And we will  all the pleasures prove.)
Christopher Marlowe


The pretty young woman asked me. Is love a prison or is love a gentle thief in the night? Will love expire and we become sightless and forgetfulness of the blooming of love and the sweetdances in love charms?

I told her. Love know when to bloom and when to disperse. Love can be defaced and be lost in the last gasp of want and be a painful death. Better to lavish love and swim in the heat of the sweet kiss and embrace. We need to be graceful for the mercy of love. Someone willing to share time and life with us. A very worthwhile gift.

She asked me. Why are so fond of me? I love how you look at me. Your eyes make me feel beautiful and wanted. Please come live with me and be my love.

I brought her close. Kissed her sweet lips and I whispered. I be honored to spend time with you my love. The greatest gift we can share is. Is us trying to find love and peace in each other arms. Thank you.

Coyote/John Castellenas