The cold night whispered..

The cold night whispered…

The April rain hid my tears and I walked alone.
Once  great love turn indifferent and
our love true turn to fathom dreams.

We spoke careless words,
maybe true, maybe not?
Maybe we were grasping at a miracle?

I told the rain,
love died slowly and badly.
I longed for her near,
I longed to hear her heartbeat and her song.

My songbird,
we knew rhyme and song and now,
we know we could bleed.

The cold night whispered to me,
the abyss of love dance,
just great storms we shall know.

Now crimson love touches and
silent goodbyes,
Leave us praying for more.

Now I sit by the sea,
drinking the whiskey and remembering you.
Do you remember me?

                      Dancing Coyote