Please don’t forget me.

031_31                                  A young writer on Writer’s Cafe had

left us. She taught us to respect and enjoy the word. Her name is Jade Innes.  A

new Angel is in heaven. I hope she found peace.

                      Please don’t forget me.

A Poem by Coyote Poetry


For Jade Innes. Lost too soon. The good people leave us too soon.


   Please don’t forget me.

Many people will touch our life.
They will leave kind words and soft touches upon our mind and heart.
Faces with hopeful smiles and a offer of friendship.
Rare precious gifts we must hold close and return the gift.

Some flames of life burn-out too soon.
Leaving us with sadness and question.

I will remember you.

Some people leave whispers in the wind.
Request not to be forgotten.

A sweet and kind girl, writer and friend.
Left too soon.

We must hold friendship near.
Always leave with love and positive words.
We never know when the last words are written or spoken.
