The twisted dance of love

The twisted dance of love. (written in 1988)

A Poem by Coyote Poetry


Just words. A rewrite from December, 1988.


The twisted dance of love
(Written in 1988)


I lay beside you in the night of the Germany December.
I feel the heat of tender flesh and I look into your blue eyes.
They shine like the shining night stars on a clear night.
You tell me. You are so good to me, so kind to me.

I tell you. I love you. You are my reasons to be alive.
You looked away from me and whisper. I don’t want love. Too heavy a burden to carry for me
and we are too young to lose our thoughts and hope to one place or person.

In the heat of sex, you whispered. I love you Johnnie,
but in the dance of kiss and embrace is where hungry and desperate people show appreciation
for the wild descend and abandoning places where two people are not afraid to reveal who they truly are.

I forgot to separate love from lust again. Falling into love with no safety net. I know the nectar of love is too sweet, the love burst of emotion take us to fragile place where we undress, un-bare our heart and soul. Sometime the fragment of love isn’t enough.

I watched your eyes. Soft and tender blue eyes and  I listen to your words of great dream and journey. I see the need to stay and escape in your words. I know. Love isn’t fair.

The twisted dance of love need two true people.
Coyote/John Castellenas