Monthly Archive: May, 2015

The portrait of you

imickeyd:(Thank you Tumblr) Nicole – Peter Coulson The portrait of you Phantom dreams led me to you. You were my illusion of perfection. I was flattered when you condemn me to loving you… Continue reading

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A Year Ago

Originally posted on Siren Whispers:
A year ago I had a dream A dream I had spent several years Working tirelessly on Nights, weekends One that put my family’s needs behind my own…

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Another poem for Memorial day. “Killed and killed”

Killed and killed A Poem by Coyote Poetry A true and sad story of the permanent wounds of war. Killed and killed On Friday night my father drank his rum. He would come… Continue reading

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Curse the Sky

Amazing words and beautiful photos. Please enjoy the work of the amazing writer.

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Beautiful and thoughts provoking poetry by a amazing writer. Please read and enjoy the powerful words.

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My favorite Poet. The poetry honest and true. Please read and enjoy.

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Straddling Two Worlds (Visual Poetry)

Good words and thoughts from a talented writer. Please read and enjoy her work.

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Holding on

Originally posted on Life With Catnip:
?? With a vision,? Of my heart in your hands Fingers tangled up,? Whispers and kisses in the night,? Rising long enough, To retreat into the darkness,…

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Love Hotel

Originally posted on A Man Called Su:
In the immortal words of Miles Gregory, immaculately voiced by Gwen Dickey: Love don’t live here anymore Just emptiness and memories Of what we had before…

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One of first published poem somewhere. “Nothing last forever”

Nothing last forever A Poem by Coyote Poetry We learn the value of words with life. Sometime words can be forgotten and dismissed.                           Nothing last forever (Written on March 6, 1989… Continue reading

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