Monthly Archive: May, 2015

How it feels

How It Feels 18MondayMay 2015 Posted by viladev in Uncategorized ≈ 3 Comments How it feels to fall in love?    —  Love is pure magic. Love can be stopped. Overtake us like… Continue reading

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Three Stages of Her

Originally posted on Backpfeifengesichts:
I saw her by the treadmills, on the second floor, overlooking the gym. I spied from the basketball courts, watching her sprint with a sexy, long legged gate. She…

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First Day

Originally posted on Backpfeifengesichts:
I sat in the back. It was dark and I was one of ten people in the empty comedy club. Next to me was my friend, Mike. He had…

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I need a long road trip. Ride

Ride A Poem by Coyote Poetry Lana Del Rey song and energy. Make me wish to break free and celebrate being alive. Ride True freedom my friend is dancing with the wind. Singing… Continue reading

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Les Roses Son Entrées ~ Flambeaux Eteints (1907) ~ Renée Vivien

Amazing poetry. Please read and enjoy.

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“Shadows” Poetry for Memorial day.

Shadows I was a Soldier for almost 15 years. I volunteered for every dangerous mission you could be part of. The missions were to Africa, Bosnian, Central and South America and Iraq. I… Continue reading

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One of my favorites. ” My great love”

My great love A Poem by Coyote Poetry True love is rare. Hold on tight. Doesn’t always last forever.   My great love A Poem by Coyote Poetry  Pain of love lost… Continue reading

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Poetry Street: To live for another day | Poem by Ellie

Originally posted on The Stranger's Wall:
To live for another day… What else can she do? The sun rays will guide her to a healthy life, Should she leave all her past…

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“But what is beautiful is the child that could comproduction of this.”

Woman are our mothers, sisters and daughters. Republican Brian Kurcaba spoke out of his ass. Rape is a hate-crime. Leave women with permanent scars and fear. Do these men who say stupend things.… Continue reading

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Mihran Kalaydjian And His Element Band My Childhood Remembered

Good song and words by a talented artist. His song leave you with thoughts and better places. Please listen and read his work. Mihran Kalaydjian's Official Blog Mihran Kalaydjian And His Element Band… Continue reading

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