The stillness of the midnight hours

The stillness of the midnight hours

A Poem by Coyote Poetry


Great thoughts come to us in the midnight hour. Wishes for a sweet hello or some knowledge of the kind people in our life, If they are okay?


                       The stillness of the midnight night hours

Where are you my sweet lover?
Where are you dancing and drinking tonight?
Where are you running freely in the big world?

I know the free highway is stronger than love.
The long highway make us need more than we can have.

I told you once, I loved you and I drove away.
I knew,  you can’t return to where you had begin.
Tears and separation killed the memories and leave us in a nomad state,
needing nothing.

The stillness of the midnight hour return broken thoughts and dreams back.
I have tried to forget your face and sweet words. You asked me once.
Do you miss me? Do you think of me on lonely nights?
Do I still make you crazy still?  I told you. Yes.

You are the only beautiful place I have known.
You are my safe haven and peace. Your sweet kiss is my first and last need.

I left you for war and I didn’t look back.
I didn’t know. I taught you love mean little to the people, loaded with too many dreams and needs.

In the mist of midnight hour.
I try to set-up sweet dreams. I never left you on the December morning.
I held you and never released you.  We had 50 years of love.

My sweetest love knew who I was.
Just a storyteller wishing for the safeness of love for a second.
Just another greedy man willing to pay for his sins later.
We do.

I learn too late. We hold on to one true love in one long life.
I remember you. Pale Winter skin and strawberry red hair holding me tightly.
Your long warm kisses left me breathless.

Where are you now?
You escaped me and found new dreams and places.
I wish to thank you, for showing me how lonely I was.

Coyote/John Castellenas