“She had wildflowers in her hair”

She had wildflowers in her hair

A Poem by Coyote Poetry


Haunting story and memories can feel like someone else had lived it. Sometime all we have is wildflowers dreams to hold on to.


                                   She had wildflowers in her hair

Spring sweet Spring. Your  gentle warm days make me come alive.
Sitting with the wildflowers and swimming in old memories.
I remembered a  barefoot beauty taking me the hidden waterfalls
and rivers of Iron Mountain, Michigan.
She was a  pretty Iron Mountain girl with wildflowers in her hair.
Beautiful Kathy told me. “Johnnie, please don’t be afraid.
Just jump into the natural mineral water.”

She was in bra and panties. I had my  boxers and follow her and jumped  into the coldness
of the mineral water. I remember her laughter. I remember her fearless and  beautiful hazel eyes. She wrapped her arms around me and whispered. “I need you now. I want you to cherish me. I’m tire of being tossed aside after being used. Please dear Poet. Talk to me. Tell me I’m beautiful and wonderful. Please write words of praise for me. Read to me and tell me I’m the only one. Please don’t forget me. Make me feel valuable and needed.”

I kissed her sweet lips and told her. A poem for you.

My beautiful Kathy
I fall into the fragrant of your tender skin.
Skin to skin. We melt into one. We travel to  where young lovers
dance and celebrate into the night.

We awake my hidden desire and secrets.
You are my solace and my dream.
We stripped down to two people with nothing to hide.
Baring heart and soul to the peaceful water and warm sun.

I know you are not mine.
I’m humble by your tender kiss. The feel of your body near.
Make me wish for you forever.
I know my love. Sometime forever is only seconds in time.

Please my sweet Kathy.
Embrace me like I’m your first love. Last love.
Paradise of the forest and the kind water allow us to be fearless
and unafraid. Sometime we must devour life and accept the consequences.
We can’t return back to the beginning after the want and need is alive.

The end.

Beautiful Kathy looked sad and asked. “Why does furious desire take us away. Make us
feel the need of the embrace knowing the ending is destine to be forgotten.”
I held her near.

These words haunted me once and today I can sit with the free wildflowers
and vision beautiful Kathy with the wildflowers in her hair tossing me butterfly kisses and
telling me I won’t forget you Johnnie. I love you.

Good memories become diamonds and I wish I could tell Kathy.
“You are so beautiful. You are not forgotten. You are my wildflower dream.
I cherish your beautiful face and memory.”

John Coyote/John Castellenas