‘The kiss’

The kiss

The hot days of Summer days were upon us. Youth, wine, song and Germany warm days were our blessings. We had the long Summer days to roam, talk and find new places to discover.


I was mesmerized by your beautiful hazel eyes and your willingness to dance in the ancient cities. You were my dear maiden and I was your knight in shining armor.


We sat by the lake holding hands and sharing the sweet kisses,  tasting of the sweet German red wine. We talks of great dreams and travel. You were to be a doctor and I was going to save the world with my words. We had the strength of youth and hope.


Today images of two people holding on to their youth and their hope make me smile, leave me with kind and sweet place. I remember your hazel eyes, flowing blond hair and perfect tanned sun-kissed legs from the kind Summer days.


We were lovers once and today, all I can remember is the warm and sweet kisses. The long embrace and us dancing to the city’s music festivals, knowing the freedom of a real love, holding no regret and allowing the allure of sweet and kind love to overtake us.

The kiss, my friend. When real and true. No sweeter place to know.
Coyote/John Castellenas
