The water and the fire


The water and the fire


I told the Irish beauty in the tavern in Austin, Texas. Some men are dying and some men are living. Death is like a fire. It will burn strong and die down. Hard to rebirth the fire in men hearts after they used it up and accepted the final walk into the bone yards. You are so beautiful. Filled with the wild fire of life wanting to feel hands, painting your skin to untold heat and the splendor of the inferno where we try to repeat and we cannot.



Her blue eyes began to shine bluer. She rolled her reddish hair through long slender fingers. She opened her legs, allowed me to see strong tanned longs legs and she told me. No-one is dead till the dirt is tossed and the casket closed forever. I see in your gaze upon me. The torment and need to ravish my skin with touch and kiss. We have been friends forever and drank/sang till we fill into soft bed and we held tight. I believe time for us to use the water of delight and find sacred ground. Rage and pain is part of us, but dear Poet. We need to drown the fire of forgotten promises and swim in the utopia of new and wild love.


I brought her near. Kissed her face-cheeks and lips. I told her water and fire are not the same.


I have loved you forever. If we kiss and attempt love. Can we find the road to friendship? I love the fire in your words and want in your heart. If you promise to be my friend after the water turn the captive passion to chilled phantom love. You would become my last and only sweet dream.


She brought herself closer to me and she kissed my neck and ear. She whispered to me, the offering of love is rare and dear Johnnie. All we have is chance. The chance to trick the Gods, we are happy and content. I have taunted you and tempted you. Time for us to gather as one for awhile.

I kissed her and I told her. Life is long and cold. I want you more than you shall know. Let’s dance, make love and be wild in hope in dream. You are my water and my fire. You can cool me down and excite my heart. I agreed and I embraced my Irish beauty.

© 2015 Coyote Poetry