California a-dreaming

A California a-dreaming

Once on a full moon night in the Winter of 1992, I found my true love.
I saw her dancing and moving for me and she bewitched my heart forever.

I walked slowly to her and I took off my shoes,
allowed her to caress my tire feet.

She whispered to me,
dear traveler, you are safe with me.

I sat with the full moon above and I told the stars.
She is more beautiful than anything I ever seen,
she is everlasting and perfect.

I knew the Hemingway prayer.
“We love the women, we love the whiskey and we love the sea.
Blessings for the man who need to test and celebrate life.”

Me and my love became great friends.
Every chance I could.
I walked the Fort Ord to Pacific Grove coastline.
She caressed my feet and she whispered tales of great journey,
of the great loves who walked upon the gentle sand once.


I left my love in 1994 and I knew.
I would yearn for her every day till we could meet again.
I told the Pacific.
Thank you my kind lady.
You made a soldier forget war and violence,
you taught me how to dance with the storms.
You made me believe in the Hemingway ways.

Last place for a wounded to heal, is the kind sea.
Listen to her.
The song of the sea,
kind and sweet to us who pay attention.
Thank you my Pacific Ocean.
Johnnie is coming home.

