He remembered love…

“Hereditary Feelings”, 2016, Yuriy Ku Drop


He remembered love



Old man sat by the Lake St. Clair. He saw an auburn beauty walking the the biking path. Her eyes of sea-water blue and her soft smile lost in kind memory made him remember her.


She was a beauty. Her eyes filled with mischief and bluer than the free and wild Pacific. He remembered her. He remembered when she turned to him and she asked. “Dear Johnnie, dear poet. You must join the dance, you must create the song of love and hope. Waiting for perfect Goddess or muse will leave you alone and filled with regret.”


He smiled at her and he cherish the view. She took his breathe away and she was tall, she had long tan legs and vibrant heart. He told her. I have become cold dear Anna. You don’t want a man who hold regret over love. You can’t heal the scars of yesterday. We just accept them as your own.


She looked to the sea and she held deep thoughts and then she turned to him and she whispered a poem.
“Dark nights, bright nights.
Drinking, weeping, living and dying.
We shall dwell in the utopia of wild night and long mornings.
We will drink of sweet kisses and hold deep embraces tightly.
In deep midnight. Love is born and love can die.
We must find the bright nights where love is eternal and never forgotten.
We must darkness too. Love is delight and love is ever-weeping for lovers waiting by the sea.”


The poet smiled and he told her. I promised you sweet wine, Big Sur and Santa Cruz. I promised you San Francisco dancing, drinking and plenty of laughter. Dear Anna. Let’s travel the highway one and see where we can land.


Dear Anna smiled and she came to the Poet. She laid her head into his lap. Embraced him tightly and she looked-up and she whispered. Your will shall be my pleasure.

John Castellenas/Coyote