Forgive me, my darling… ~Dedicated to E.

Outstanding poetry. Read and pass-on.

The Waves of Poetry

Picture of a lady holding a rose.

Poem (Part 1):

Forgive me, my darling, for thinking of you!
Your fragrance is sweeter than peony dew,
The bloom of your lips enamours like spring,
One rapturous smile - I forget everything...
The Soul of the Rose by John William Waterhouse, 1908.

Picture of two women gathering flowers.

Poem (part 2):

Oh, bitter delusions of our first love!
The feverish blindness descends from above:
My ears cease to hear, my mouth - to speak,
No soul would survive a feeling this deep!
Gather Ye Rosebuds While Ye May by John William Waterhouse, 1909.

Picture of a lady holding a crystal ball.

Poem (Part 3):

Your hands keep escaping my blasphemous touch.
The eyes, filled with sorrow, adore you so much,
The heart keeps on beating, yet broken in two!
Tell me, dear beloved, what shall I do?
The Crystal Ball by John William Waterhouse, 1902.

Forgive me, my darling, for thinking of you!
Your fragrance is sweeter than peony dew,
The bloom of your lips enamours like spring,
One rapturous smile - I forget everything...

Oh, bitter delusions of our first love!
The feverish blindness descends from above:
My ears cease to hear, my mouth - to speak,
No soul would survive a feeling this deep!

Your hands keep escaping my blasphemous touch.
The eyes, filled with sorrow, adore you so much,
The heart keeps on beating, yet broken in two!
Tell me, dear beloved, what shall I do?

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