The Waterfall of Memories

Wonderful poetry by a talented writer.

The Waves of Poetry

Your whisper haunts me through the night and in the light of day -
The waterfall of memories devours its breathless prey.
Beware! The languid turquoise guise seems utterly serene,
Yet thousands fell to their demise in this alluring stream.
Mnemosyne, a patron saint of the undying past,
Bathe me in your sweet revelry and turn my soul to dust!
If it were now to die - I would - for nothing will exceed
The water's luscious lullaby - intoxicating, deep…
A single thought is all it takes to silently succumb:
When a forgotten love awakes, the consciousness goes numb.
You are the gravity, which tempts, desiring my downfall -
Although the sombre heart repents, it answers your wild call.
I have become the waterfall, my tenderness cascades
Upon your lips - the memory of passion never fades!

This photo depicts a seagull flying over Niagara Falls with stormy clouds above
A photograph of Niagara Falls taken by me in the summer

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