Just a little bit more..

Just a little bit more


“Candy is sweet, lemons can be tart and life is long.”

Pretty woman whispered to me in the field of the Spring dandelions.” We have known hell’s kisses and the devil’s danced. We have learn. The day is long and the nights are longer, when we are alone. We have played the lovers, we have played the fool. Maybe we can play kind lovers, maybe we can teach each other. Love is sweet, love is wonderful.”

I brought the pretty lady closer and I told her. Just a little bit more my dearest love. Hold be closer, hold me sweetly and maybe. We can learn. The hard days, the hard nights were to lead us to the meadow of dandelions. To make a dandelion wishes and hope. Love is chance and great luck. Maybe, you and I. Can know some luck.

Pretty woman kissed me long and sweetly. She whispered. “Let’s ride out the storm and you and me. Can swim to the point where lovers are content. Have enough.”

A blessed May-day. Two people, holding hands and talking little. Watched the dandelions dance and living on a wish and a prayer for love caress.

                           Dancing Coyote