The lady of the lake..

 Lady of the lake


We loved the weeping willows trees by the lake, we loved the month of July and August. Once I wanted death and my lady of the lake, whispered a sweet song to me. 

                 “Do words matter?

                   What are we?     

             Maybe we are just, here for a second,   

               maybe we are just dancers upon the wind,   

               waiting for a reason to be alive.   

               Dear Poet,   

               dance with me near the weeping willow tree, 

                 Lets, become like the free and wild dandelions,   

               reaching for the sky, fearless and strong.”

I brought the Lady of the lake near and I whispered. Please Lady of the lake, love me today, love me tomorrow, love me forever, with you near, I want to live forever in your arms.   

                  Dancing Coyote