She was a diamond…

She was a diamond

A Poem by Coyote Poetry
"We need to be thankful when we hold something precious in our hands."

She was a  Diamond…

                               20 Nov. 1994 written.

The drunk man toasted to better days.
We touched shot glasses and
I asked him.
Did he ever see a woman who shone like a diamond?
So bright  with hope and love.
She can bring you out of this hell?
My drunk friend just turned away.

I wandered to a safe and quiet corner.
I remembered her blue eyes.
Clear as a mountain stream.
Her flowing auburn hair,
her beautiful smile that still can bring a smile back to me.

She was a baby in living and
I was soil with hate and disappointment.
Today I wonder why she came to me?

In a dark corner of a dancing Bar in Austin, Texas.
She came to me with a sweet smile.
She asks me.  Could I two-step a-bit?.
I told her I can do my best.

She talked my ears off.
I listened to her beautiful voice.
She was full of dreams and hope.
We became friends.

She taught me laughter.
Taught me to hope and dreams again.
She was a diamond in a life.
Brought me out of my self made hell.

I may of taught her to view the world with different eyes.
She stood her ground and
held on to her dreams.
She is something today.
Educated and helping people.

I wish to stand at a distance.
Her life loaded with real problems now.

I have hope.
A few dreams.
Maybe one day I will look into those blue eyes.
Thank her for her kindness and love.

Women are the reasons for good men to hold on to dreams.

I’m thankful,
I held a diamond in my hand.
Her hope and love overtook my heart.
