The poet, the dancer and the artist.

The poet, the dancer and the artist.

A Story by Coyote Poetry

June poetry number seventeen.

"                    The poet, the dancer and the artist…

It was last warm days of Summer, the late August warm days were appreciated. Two men and one woman are drinking their coffee near the Port Austin Lake Huron boardwalk. For two months, the three would meet and discuss the daily activities and the coming days. They shared long conversation of what was and what could be?  The artist Sheena  asked Paul, the dancer. Will you seek work in the Fall or become more lazy and fatter?  The poet Johnnie laughed at her words and he asked Paul. Is there racism against fat dancers? Sheena and Johnnie laughed as Paul gave them a sour look. Paul told them. Do you believe God had blessed you poets and artist with great beauty?  Johnnie, you have become ugly with time and disappointment. Sheena, you are the cat lazy who lived alone. I will go to New York in early September, find my sweetie Lilith and I will dance and teach. what will you do Johnnie? Will you write dead-man poetry, no-one will ever read. You writers and poets are nuts, you all become Salinger. Johnnie, you need to dance in the Devil’s city again. The city of New Orleans will make you bleed to paper some worthwhile words. Write something interesting. Your Port Austin poetry, can put me to sleep. God had forgotten you. You need to dance more, drink more and sin more.

Sheena looked angry and he told Paul. At least my cats are kind to me. If Johnnie want to stay with me in Port Austin. He can move in with me. I need a man who can cook and can make good coffee. I still can make a man smile. Johnnie loved me, he keeps me warm and he escaped to his 3 am writing. I am willing to share with. I want to paint his face by Lake Huron. He is like his Ojibwa brothers. Afraid I will steal his soul into a painting. Paul go to New York city. Drink, sin and die alone. Nobody can change your views and your ways of life. Hell is waiting for foolish men like you. Paul smiled and he told her. I ain’t going to hell. I have not sins enough and I am not a lawyer or politician. I will waiting for you and Johnnie at the Purgatory Inn.

Johnnie kissed Sheena. He told her. I leave before I am a unwelcome guess. Your home is beautiful, organized and you don’t need some dead weight in your house. You love to live alone, no-one to change your ways and I love this about you. She looked sad and she asked him. Can we win Johnnie? It seem God never loses. We believe in love and love become dirty. We will learn great sadness and accept loneliness. Johnnie slapped Paul back hard and he told Sheena. I will stay in Port Austin with you and I will make a mess out of your life. You can paint my ugly face and we can learn what love can be. He told Paul, I wish you and Lilith both great success and I hope she doesn’t break your bones. They all laughed. Sheena looked at Johnnie, please let’s play a joke on the gods. Let’s find the path to love. We are older and wiser. Maybe we can be happy with each other? Johnnie smiled and he told her. I have the love of my life near and this is a good day. We have tasty coffee, good conversation and no place to be.


© 2021 Coyote Poetry