Sonnet: Laws of Harmony

An amazing poem by a talented writer.

Troubador of Verse


Recorded Poem:


Laws of Harmony

A sound it is with which we win our war?
For such the lesson Joshua would teach
And can it be effective weapons are
Nonviolent, and well within our reach?

A spark’ling trumpet fanfare, ah, forsooth!
The rhythm of determined marching feet
A calm and careful statement of the truth
With these the awesome enemy we meet

And laughter, that most potent sound we hear
The heav’nly laughter only love can bring
Then gentle greetings, wishes for good cheer
And songs from lips of lovely maidens spring!

Celest’ial laws of harmony behold
Sweet sounds can keep away the inner cold


Among us, poets are ill paid. In order to continue her work, this one currently lives in her minivan, on an income of a fraction of our nation’s poverty level. If her work has moved, enabled or uplifted you, a contribution…

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