You are the love of my life…

You are the love of my life

A Poem by Coyote Poetry
"We forget sometimes to show love to the people who truly loved us."       

                 You are the love of my life…

Once we danced in tropical clubs hidden in the dark corners of Honduras.
We lavished in a love without fear of  boundaries and distance.

You open new doors for a blind man living for nothing and
trying to find  a quick death on a futile  road leading to no-where.

Did I tell you?
You are so beautiful to me.
Did I tell you?
I would bleed for you, die for you to be safe.

Few men know harmony and they listen to the allure of the night.
Men are tempted by beauty, war and drink.
Neglect of the love, kindness and family lead old men wishing they
knew real love and found peace in the arms of one woman.

Today we act like strangers.
Allowing too many small things to separate us.
Shallow gifts of love leave the heart to mourn.
The curse of life steal laughter, desire and hope.

Does love die?
Can you rebirth what is lost?

Mementos of love are hanging on old walls.
Photos of people who knew joy and happiness.
The photos feel like people who lived in latter lives.

Can sleeping passion and love be rebirth?
Can the sweet melody of love return?

Did I tell you?
How beautiful you are to me.
I would be a empty shell without you.
Did I tell you?
You are the love of my life.

Thank you my sweet wife.
Forgive me for for getting lost and confuse.
You are still the only sweet dream in my life.

Love is like a flower garden.
Need love and care to keep alive.
Must be tender and kind to allow the plant to grow and bloom.
A beautiful flower had attention and was treated with tenderness.

                        August 2013