Spring fever and a song from great Elvis Presley.

Spring fever…

1- Prettiest gal in Michigan on a April sunny day told me.
Please adore me, please let’s gather our dreams and hopes together.
Let’s dance for the days of April and
allow our love to grow like the wildflowers.
Trying to touch the sun.
2-  She told me. Please swirl me one more time, near the Lake St. Clair on a April morning.
Please allow our love to grow like the wild plants reaching for the sky, near the lake.
Please steal many kisses from me and make me desire more kisses.
Allow Saint Clare of Assisi to see love is alive and still, so sweet.
Please make me believe.
You love me only.
3- Anymore, nevermore and forevermore.
If we seek less or
if we seek more.
Can we find peace, can we know love?
Prettiest girl in my world asked me.
Do you love me my darling?
I told her, 
you are the sun, you are the moon to my happy heart.
Without you, I would live in darkness.
You are my everything and more.