Daily Archive: November 19, 2023

Great wisdom shared.

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Just might…

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The crazy ones…

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Ancient warrior..

Ancient warrior A Poem by Coyote Poetry  Blood cannot change. Sometime must go back to your place of birth to learn peace. Ancient warrior… I drove to the forest.Away from the city.I took my… Continue reading

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Love letters never send…

Love letter never send A Poem by Coyote Poetry I have many letters never send. Sometime words can lose value. Best to stay safe and sound is poor advice. Today I know. Better to… Continue reading

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Please stay with me…

A Poem by Coyote Poetry Rare times in a life we can find comfort with another. We need to hold on till the dream disappears. Please stay with me…  I sipped my coffee andI… Continue reading

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I understand why we protect the wildflowers..

I understand why we protect the wildflowers now. A Poem by Coyote Poetry  Wildflowers are protected in Michigan. Took me years to understand why.                  I understand why we protect the wildflowers now… I… Continue reading

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Powerful and worthwhile poetry shared..

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The whore bath…

Today they asked the USA Generals. Would they kill United State citizens?  The Military was used often in civil matters in the history of the USA. This poem is based on some training I had in… Continue reading

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Coyote spirit…

The Pacific A California coyote. Fault line of California. Coyote spirit A Poem by Coyote Poetry  Last dream is freedom. When it is gone. What is left. Coyote spirit… (In Native American Myth. The Coyote was the joker. Laugh… Continue reading

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