The whore bath…


Today they asked the USA Generals. Would they kill United State citizens?  The Military was used often in civil matters in the history of the USA. This poem is based on some training I had in the military. We were asked questions that are impossible to answer. Soldier do what they are told. Yes Soldiers would kill United State citizens. Years ago my unit was sent to L.A for the riots.  We were issue combat rounds and were in battle make-up and gear. We would have killed anyone who wanted a fight. Thank God. No-one attempted.

The whore bath…

Large shining teeth telling me the way to heaven. I will find my way to paradise by a gift to his good christian cause. His teeth shine brighter.  His mumbling of a thousand words left me feeling dirty. I get a damp cloth. I wept the words away of another greedy man. Another whore bath in a life of too many useless words.

The Captain tells me. I own you. You will do what I say, even to death. I’m in-charge. I try to wander away but he keep speaking. I’m feeling dirty. I go to the latrine and get a damp cloth. Another whore bath in a life where the words are eating away at my soul.

I sit in a classroom. The instructor asked me. If I was ordered to kill United States citizens, would I? I tell him I would kill the officer  who gave me the order. But my words become weaker with each second the instructor shower me with his blood song. I began to understand. The sweat poured down my face and I go to the backroom. Damp some paper towel and wept my face. One more whore bath for a man drowning in words, he is forced to accept for a few pennies, beliefs only a mercenary could believe.

Maybe if I was a high paid whore. I could live with the things I must do. but there is nothing as bad as a cheap whore.

(We must think. Every decision is important. We live in a land where 18-21 year old learn to kill before they learn to love and enjoy life.)The
