Grandma’s hands.. And a wonderful Bill Withers song.

Grandma’s hands.

(April is poetry month. New poetry number twenty-one.)

Dear Grandma told me often. Life is like soup. Too many cooks in the kitchen and the soup won’t be tasty. Allow the real cook to do her work.

Grandpa told me often. Leave you anger and disappointment outside. My home is a place to know love, have some good conversation and gather your strength. I am here for you Grandson. We can talk till we can fix any problem.

Today I remember two wonderful people. They taught me. We must take care of the family and ensure we do something we love daily. I miss their voices and when I speak. I hear their words. I pray one day. I will join the table of my grandparent. We will discuss life and I will thank them. For teaching me. We must be kind. The world is hard enough for many already.

John Castellenas