The stranger song…

The stranger song…
Pretty lady asked her old lover. When did we become strangers?
Once we talked, danced and sang the whole night through.
Now we sit together. Your eyes had died and your hopeful words had turn dead and cold.
I have been waiting for you to return. I know old wars and forsaken love left you old and cold.
Dear Poet. Love is the celestial fire to murder old memories and the damn tragedy of life.
The poet reached for the pretty woman and brought her close in tight embrace. He told her.
Love can be sweet as honey and bitter as a lemon. The contemplation of sweet kiss and long embrace make the dead rise. You are sweeter than September wine and so kind. I don’t fear the beginning of love. I fear the ending.
She put his head into her bosom and she whispered. Hear my heart dear lover. My heart beat song for you. I promise to stay as long as you need you. We will dance on the quiet beaches, sing songs to the sleeping gods and I will be your noble beauty. We are not strangers. Just in the lost and found and need the guidance of hope and love.
He looked at perfect brown eyes and he told her. You are not a stranger. You are love, kind sweet love and I’m here now and I will allow our two lives to unfold to unknown ending. I love you kind woman.
John Castellenas/Coyote