Once upon a time..

Once upon a time..

I returned to Akron in 1980. I was looking for a sweet memory

In 1973 at my fifteen birthday party. The prettiest friend of my sister gave me a birthday kiss.

Beautiful Susie held my hand and she took me up stair to a private room.

I held her and we kissed.

She was someone else love but I adored her so.

She was almost a woman and I knew.

She was a wish and a pray for me.

Now I wandered back to her and I hoped she did okay.

I found her living at her aunt house.

I saw her and she had a baby on her hip.

And she gave me a kind smile and I went to her.

I hugged her tightly and I kissed her face often.

I told her. Dear Susie, are you okay?. I never forgot your beautiful face.

She gave me a sad smile and she told me.

I am not so pretty no-more and now a divorced woman with a baby girl.

I brought her closer and I whispered.

You are more beautiful than I remember dear Susie,

you have become a momma and I am so glad to see you.

She begin to cry and I cry with her.

I told her. I did okay. The Army gave me some skills and I hope you are okay.

We put the baby in a stroller and we walked to the nearby park.

I held her hand and I loved hearing her speak.

Her soft voice and gentle face, I adored still.

I asked her dear Susie. Do you need anything?

She reached over and she kissed me and she whispered.

I have what I need. A friend near and a kind voice.

I need someone to make me feel beautiful, make me feel loved.

I caressed her flowing brown hair and I told her.

I have always loved you Susie.

I have written poetry for my beautiful first love.

Susie, Susie. I am here to make you smile again.
