Daily Archive: May 27, 2024

I need you, I don’t need you…

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The man who couldn’t cry…

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He never left Michigan…

He never left Michigan… Years ago. I wanted to see the whole world. Drink wine in Basel and Paris, dance in the streets of Florence and read poetry at Hyde Park in London.… Continue reading

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Dear December…

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I hate you, I love you…

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Captive heart..

Captive heart.. Divine woman love the Fall days. The cooler days make her wander into deep forest and search for quiet meadows and beautiful places. She love the feel of the freedom in… Continue reading

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Someone like you…

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Memorial day poetry. My friend, your war is over…

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Memorial day poetry. A soldier prayer..

(The Lover, A Soldier prayer.A Poem by Coyote PoetrySoldier goes off to War. Need kind and sweet memories to keep them human.)  The Lover (A soldier prayer) Poor boys and men,their roads lead… Continue reading

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Memorial day songs and some words.

My step-father fought in Europe from 1942-1945. Never spoke one words about his war. WW2. He was a Paratrooper. My father fought in the Korean war. It consumed him. On Memorial day. I… Continue reading

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