Summer Song

Amazing poetry by a talented writer. Please read and enjoy.


I live in the northern hemisphere and yesterday (20 June 2016) was the summer solstice, the longest day of the year. I am not sure whether to rejoice that summer is here or feel a little sad that it is downhill for the rest of the year. The sun’s path will now stop moving northward in the sky and as it returns southward the days will begin to slowly shorten. I am hoping that the weather will realise it is summer and that we may see some sunshine and warmth in the days ahead.

I wrote this poem during the winter of 2014 when I was dreaming about summer and wanting to sing a summer song. It has been published in “It’s The Most WONDERFUL Time Of The Year” by Forward Poetry. It has also been published in The Australia Times Poetry Magazine Vol. 4 No. 9 May 06, 2016.

Summer Song 

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