“She told me. Love demand payment”

She told me. Love demand payment.

A Poem by Coyote Poetry

" Good music create good poetry. "

She told me. Love demand payment.

Perfect beauty. Wearing Summer dress of white. Her soft shoulders showed tempting kiss and caress. She knew she had my attention. I watched her sun-kissed legs of golden brown dancing on a lonely dance floor. She waved me to come near.

This was the Monterey night and few people were showing true face. I saw perfect hazel eyes and a body that a man could undress and never know peace again. I knew she was the turbulent sea concealing little, demanding dance, seeking desperate kiss and journey to unknown places.

I felt my fear emptying out and joined the auburn beauty on the dance floor. She recited her name,  and whispered me a song.

Love demand payment my lover and Poet.
Dear Johnnie. No rest in solitude. I will create perverse need in your emptiness. Make you un-recede from the ravine of sadness and disappointment. I will lay beneath you and we will find rapture in sweet kiss and embrace.
Love demand payment and secret words reciting in hotels and private rooms. Just gestures left to remind us. Love must be freely given and we must undress and free our sadness. Open new places and take away the veil of fear.

I told her. Sweet Gail. Deny love is a safe love. I will wander off to Fort Hood. You will stay near the Monterey Bay. If I collapse into the tenderness of your warm embrace. If I touch and abandon my fear of your perfect body, tender lips and long legs. I will betray my heart. I will think of you daily and wish for more dances that cannot be.

Sweet and beautiful Gail. She brought me closer and whispered. Love demand payment. The body remembered. I need you now and tomorrow is another day. We need many dances and to know the rapture of the perfect kiss. If we miss our chance. Would be worst? I will leave you wishing to touch my legs, body and skin forever in needy dreams. Let’s erase fear and pretend. It is last chance, last dance. Last place for us to be whole in the hunger of wild and free love.

I held my Gail hand as we wandered to her small apartment. She undressed and dance to the Leonard Cohen Song. A thousand kisses deep. I told her she is my first and last wish. She smiled and whispered. Some dreams and places must be found. We need kind places and sweet dreams to be remembered.

Two lovers fell upon soft sheets. Saw the standing moon through the open window. They knew. The irony of love is cold and heartless. Secrets and lost places can become lifetime dreams and hope for a second chance. The kind embrace and sweet kiss needed tattoos for the heart and mind.

Coyote/John Castellenas