
Worthwhile and powerful words. Please read the words of a talented writer.

malakhai jonezs


They said, “The peace couldn’t last for too long.” You could hear the acrid breeze moving through the leaves. You could see the diseased air stripping the trees.

My daughter asked, “Daddy, what does it mean?” I answered, “Things are about to become scary. So be wary of the character of strangers you meet.” Roll up the welcome mat and close the doors. We don’t need to breath in the rotting air of angry words.

Shut the windows and close the blinds. The men aremarching by in lines in the formation of one angry fist. Up in arms over what we’ve all since forgotten or started by a problem built too high to see over in order todiscuss a resolution. ”Come away from the windows and sit over here by us!” Justice doesn’t provoke a war, but privilege justifies it’sexistence.

“We will squash the bugs!” The floating head shouted on…

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