Very serious topic- Who is worthwhile and who is not.

Who is worthwhile and who is not?

A Poem by Coyote Poetry


Just words.


Who is worthwhile and who is not?
“Assisted suicide,Oregon is one of five states, along with New Mexico, Montana, Washington , and Vermont, that allow assisted suicide for terminally ill patients. Oregon’s Death with Dignity Act passed in 1997 and has allowed for 1,173 prescriptions, with 752 deaths resulting from access of the medication.”
“Euthanasia – Also called mercy killing. the act of putting to death painlessly or allowing to die, as by withholding extreme medical measures, a person or … “”
Legal In Canada, Albania, Colombia, Japan, Some states in the USA, Germany, Switzerland, Luxembourg, Belgium and Netherlands.”Once a woman made me cry. I didn’t know her. She accepted death without a fight. Euthanasia in Portland.  Accepting death without a fight.
At my work. Good man had terminating cancer. Everyday his friend and I are praying and standing with this man. I pray he lived forever. I know life isn’t fair or kind sometimes. Death will find us one day.
—– Sweet dawn, sweet dust,
Beautiful sun and shining moon.
I want to see .
One more time.
Dark death linger close and I appreciate every heart beat.
Sweet life. Pretty smile of children.
Knowing laughter and having friends near. One more day.
Please Lord. ————
—– Some countries allowing old people to accept death when memory is gone. Some countries make the families decide medical bill or easy death? —————————–
Grandma was 96. She forgot the names of my children. I introduced them each time we visit her. We surrounded her. I held her hand and I listen to the old stories two days a week. I wasn’t disappointed in her. I would have took care of her forever and a-day. Once she gave me everything. A home, love and kind words. Time took my dear Grandmother from me. She fought to her last beathe. Her last kind words to me. Sweetie. You must take care of the family when I’m gone. I told her. I will be like you. I will a place of love and safety.
—————– I’m not God. I know. The decision is the person in the situation of great pain. BUT we must be careful. Like the Native American believed. The old people are the holder of great wisdom. We need them as long as we can, to  have their voices, their knowledge and kind faces near. The human body is harder and stronger than we think.My dear Brother defeated cancer three times. Beautiful lady at work defeated cancer twice. This wonderful woman hair had turned curly and I love her so. I need my brother and my dear friend.
Euthanasia – My define – Government way to save money and the government way to decrease population.
My step-father. A man of God. At 87 years old. Doctors told him. He had cancer. He locked himself in his private office and he prayed. One month later. Cancer was gone. A blessing or a mistake by the doctor? My dear father is 91 years old and wise, strong and alive.
Please my friends. Time for us to think. Double-talking government don’t care about us. New Orleans after the hurricane, Puerto Rico and the many dead cities in the USA.Who is worthwhile and who is not?
“One more day.
One more day to see my beautiful wife face.
One more day to see my grandchildren play.
One more day to watch the sun rise and to watch the moon arise.
One more day at the beach with the grandchildren.
One more day to be surrounded by the sea, the lake and the forest.”
What is the value of one more day? I wish daily to hear my grandmother telling me. Sweetie, you will be okay. To hear my Grandfather stories and my father’s laughter. Love my friend. Is all we have.
John Castellenas/Coyote

© 2017 Coyote Poetry