Bir Sur a-dreaming…

Big Sur a-dreaming…

A un-mark road with a small sign will lead you to a hidden beach on Highway 2.

A small path will lead you to paradise,

a beach not safe for swimming.

But climbing into the rocks. Being one with the sea, a safe haven.

The waves will dance around you. You can sit and write.

The view has no equal for the eyes to see.

Pfiefer Beach is a  nude beach.

Famous for beautiful and sexy people.

The sea will steal the hunger from your eyes,

to view the beauty of the naked young woman on the sand..

I wish to drink wine at the River Inn.

Listen to the music and hear the voices of the Poets and musicians.

I was crazy then, not so crazy today.

I remember when me and my friend chasing the poor people off Pfiefer Beach.

We were full of vodka and hate.

Told the world to f-off. Leave us alone.

So many sweet memories.

On a sunny hot summer day.
A young nude girl plays a game of chess with me.

I did not win.

So many nights on the beach sharing drink and coffee. So missed.

Where did the Poet go?

Where did all those beautiful and wonderful dreamers go?

Now I have only words on a sheets of paper.

Memories of a man running down empty beaches.

Telling the world to kiss my ass are gone.

But, give me a chance.

I believe I would read my poetry at the River Inn again.

I would climb the rocks and be thankful to be alive.

Play a game of chess with a naked woman and lose again.
              6 Aug. 2003