For a Canada friend gone.. You did not leave my friend…

 Some scars cannot heal. We learn to live with them.’ 

                                   You did not leave me my friend..

An old man sat alone.
Whiskey and gin was his friend tonight.
The V.A hospital pain killers don’t help.
His fate cannot be opposed.
Old war wounds given without notice is slowly killing his body.
The valor of war is broken now and
the man sees only blood and death.
He left for Vietnam in Summer of 1967.
A prophet to save a broken people.
He forfeit his dreams to swim in shit and blood.
He raised his glass to friends left in the dirt of a lost war and
he wished he had told his friends.
Thank you for watching my back and
he whispered to the face looking back in the mirror. I will be joining you soon.
He sits in lonely places now.
Waiting for the slow death of the cancer to finish him off.
In the blood of courage he left home in 1967.
Volunteered for war the USA said would save the world.
I sat with my friend.
I ordered a double of Jack and a pint of cold beer.
I looked at my friend. Once a 220 pound man with strength
and hope. Now barely, a 100 pound man and can barely walk.

He looked at me. He gave me a big Canadian smile and hug. He told me.
“You did not leave me my friend, would be hell to die alone.”
I hugged my old friend. I met him a few years back in a Bowling aisle bar. Trying to drink
himself to death. He told me. Quit crying and you don’t know nothing. You have a chance.
Cancer ain’t killing you. Wake up and find something to accomplish.
I watched him drink the Jack Daniels and he told me.
Jack Daniels hadn’t let me down yet. Pain ain’t too bad. Doctors told me
soon I will be done. Thank you for the American whiskey and your friendship.
My friend loved his Toronto Maple leafs and we watched many games together.
I go to the downtown tavern and I watch hockey games alone now.
My friend died on a cold Winter day and he found peace finally.
I hope his brothers are waiting for a fellow Soldier at the Soldier’s table.
Some wars outlast the battles,
some sickness eats at the body and soul.
My friend never complained about the pain.
He told me if he had one wish.
He would take the shit of war out of his head.
I drink the Jack Daniel and I drink my cold Canadian beer.
I can hear my friend.
“You did not leave me my friend and please remember me”.
                           July 2012