Beautiful Scottish eyes…

Beautiful Scottish eyes…

Once I found the prettiest girl in the world. I fell into her eyes and she told me. Please Johnnie, don’t break my heart. I told her. Sheena, Sheena, my darling, my dream-maker. I will never break your heart my love.

Once a noble Scottish gal allowed me to dance with her, we roamed the country side of Germany and I held her hand day and night. I told the night stars. You became my story. Beautiful Sheena. I didn’t know love was held-up by a few words.

Now the old poet, he don’t cry no-more. Now the poet write  about a perfect days, the sweetest kisses, promises made and broken.

Damn wars, tomfoolery and youth torn the sweetness of love away, that could not be. Old men who held treasure and who held the kindness of a honest and sweet woman. He learn too late.
Love come rarely and you cannot forget the kisses. 

Now the old poet, he dances alone by the sea and he tells the rising moon. I remember you dear Sheena and I pray. You are happy and content.
Dancing Coyote