Bella Luna…

  Bello Luna..

The majestic sky is above us. The million stars shining like diamonds in the sky and you and I. We are adoring the rising moon. I told her. I told Bella Luna a secret tonight, I whispered to the western wind. I love you my dear Marcella, you are my mischievous gal with bright emerald eyes and the kindest heart. You make the goddess of the sea smile when you dance bare-ass. Drink the tequila and sing to the Pacific.
She whispered, shall we dance? We had enough words today. Let’s know silence and listen to the sea. I brought her closer and I smell  luscious places and erotic flowers in her hair. I told her. You are right dear Marcella. Every poem is a epitaph of love. We need more dance, more kisses and longer nights. We need to find place where our hands and finger interlace and love is alive and well. Less poetry and allow love gladness to overcome us.
She laughed at my words, kissed me once, kissed me twice and I twirls her into a slow spin. I watched her free auburn hair move with the fall breeze. I did a silence prayer. Thank you Bella Luna for the beautiful night, a kind woman and the sea near. I do appreciate and I am thankful. 