Tell me something..

Tell me something..

1- She told me, Johnnie, Johnnie. I want a fable love, where amor can win.
I don’t want a timid man, I want a wild and crazy man.
I  want to entangle our two bodies into a storm of never-ending needs and want.
Please tell me, I am your everything.
I want demanding kisses and 3 am dances.
I loved her soft smile as she danced nude on the open patio.
She called to me.
It is late Spring and the night is warm.
Please come to me and let’s make love for the night.
I go to her and I tell her.
Please tell me something kind and sweet.
She whispered, I love you my sweet baby love.

2-  Flowering words, she spoke to me.
Each sentence adding to the miracle, of the kindness of love.
She told me. Love should be like a field of wildflowers,
forever and never-ending.
Love should be like the Pacific ocean,
powerful, wild and untamed.
Please Johnnie, let’s become like a flowing river going to the sea.
Seeking the taste of the ambrosia kiss of the great ocean.
Dancing Coyote

© 2023 Coyote Poetry