The Pacific Ocean..

The Pacific..

The half-drunk poet told the pretty gal in the Irish tavern in Austin, Texas. I had a sweet love once and she is waiting for me still. She made me flirt with madness and she made my weary mind see everything beautiful and sweet again. We danced in the great storms of Winter and she taught me. I was more than I was.

She was a noble beauty who awoken my sleeping heart. She rescue me from my self-pity. Her charm stole my heart and she demanded only my attention with morning walks near her and my reading midnight poetry to her.

Her song taught me the flattery of the rhyme and I would dance alone for her, with the rising moon and the falling sun blessing us. I have photos of her to remind me. I was once sea-bounded and protected by her.

The young gal smiled and she asked. She must be a treasure to behold. Where is she now? Why don’t you return to her? The poet smiled and he told her. Once day I shall. When my Army days are done, I will will return to her and our parting song shall be done. She is a patience lover, always dancing, moving and create music for the blessed people, who can love her.

The pretty gal asked again. What is her name? He told her. Her name in the Pacific Ocean and I still hear her calling my name, for us to learn endless days and nights where I would write. A million words to honor her noble spirit forever.
