Did I do, all I could do?

Did I do all, I could do, in the time I was given?

(For the dear singer Joey, her memory still bring tears to my eyes)
Dear lord, I am getting so tire. Each day becoming a struggle. I need to rest.
Yesterday man walks slower and he thinks more. He need little and each day, he want less.
I pray daily to keep my mind strong and the body healthy. I have so much to do. Children and grandchildren need the old man around. Need someone to pick-up the children at 3 pm and a safe haven for them.
Old house is like me. Getting older and need some tender loving care. The walls of the house marked with children wear and abuse. Words written by three years hands on the walls. Now blessing for me to see.

The old front door, simple marks and dates of each child height. Kind memories for a man seeking peace. Dear Lord, Did I do all, I could do, in the time I was given?

My eyes had become weaker, old mind struggling to remember and I know. I can’t quit yet. I know every new day is a blessing. Each days I can go to the bus-stop at 3 pm. Always a pleasure to see my three grandsons. Running, laughing and having fun.

Lord of life and death. I know I did some and I need to do more. Thank you for the new day. I do appreciate.

Dancing Coyote
© 2018 Coyote Poetry