The waltz of the angels…

The waltz of the Angels…
I told the barkeeper. Keep the long Island ice teas coming, Sunday morning is a-coming. I need to be blinded by the morning. He gave me a sad smile and he poured the five alcohols into the large glass. He handed me the drink and he told me. “Slow down Johnnie. I have called Jenny. She is coming for you. My dear sister is an broken hearten woman who loved you so. The damn drink will kill you before war and life. She waited for you and you forgot her face and her name.”
I looked at him and with a sad smile. I told him, I didn’t forget dear Jenny. When I was away in Africa and Asia. I dreamed of her daily, I wanted to have her near. Do the Texas two-step with her till the morning light . My father and grandfather died when I was gone fighting wars. I decided war was more sweet than my family. Beautiful Jenny needed more than a man seeking a early death in useless wars.
The barkeeper reached over and he tapped my back and my face. He told me. “Man-up Johnnie. You were following your family tradition, like your father and grandfather. You loved the road, you loved the wars and you have been a rolling stone that had dead-ended. You have two choices. Wait for Jenny or run with your tail between your legs.”
I whispered to the Long Island ice tea. I have loved Jenny since the first day I saw her in her tank top and short dress. She asked me to dance and I fell in love with her. Her hazel eyes make me wish and dream. I volunteers for every active war to escape her. War didn’t frighten me, love does. When you love someone, weaken the need for the road, the drink and the need to test life.
He smiled and he told me. She is here. Jenny came to me with tears falling. She asked me, “When did you return? I have been waiting for your call. I thoughts you were hurt or dead. I called your unit and they told me. Johnnie had fallen and he is in the Austin taverns. My Johnnie, life is too hard to be alone. Please dance with me.”
She took my hand and we went to the dance floor. She wrapped her arms around me and we Texas two-stepped to beautiful song.  “Don’t take the girl”. She whispered, “I won’t allow you leave me no-more. Dear Johnnie, life is hard and love is sweet. I will take care of you my wandering poet, my wandering soldier. Please stay with me, my home is large and the base is near. I’m your home and safe place for you my love.”
I looked into her hazel eyes and I told her. I want to waltz with a angel like you my Jenny, I don’t believe I have anything left, but I will try. When I was in Asia and Africa. I thought of you often. I wished to feel your kiss and embrace. Dear Jenny. You don’t want a broken man?
She smiled and kissed his face, neck and lips. She whispered. “Broken angels need their wandering soldier. No perfect life and we must try. Please stay with me and let’s heal together. Let’s allow love chance to be. If we don’t, we shall know regret.”
The barkeeper tossed out my drink and poured a coffee for me . He smiled at me and he did a hopeful prayer.
“Lord, please give us the strength to learn.
We are never alone.
Please bless the lonely folks.
Too much sadness dear lord.
Send some hope to the struggling.
Too many people waiting for death.
Please lord. Teach them to forgive and know peace.
Thank you Lord.”
Jenny and Johnnie danced till closing time. Johnnie went to the barkeeper. Paid his bill and he told him. Thank you friend. I needed a gift of mercy. I truly appreciate.
John Castellenas/Coyote