Tag Archive: Friendship

Your face..

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A beautiful Mary Hopkin song and a poem. Walking with giants..

Walking with giants- number three… A Poem by Coyote Poetry   I was dream writing again. I hope you enjoy.  Walking with giants- number three… I re-joined the Army in 1991 and I was… Continue reading

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You did not leave me, my friend.

You did not leave me, my friend.. A Poem by Coyote Poetry  Some scars cannot heal. We learn to live with them.’                         … Continue reading

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I understand why we protect the wildflowers now..

I understand why we protect the wildflowers now. A Poem by Coyote Poetry  Wildflowers are protected in Michigan. Took me years to understand why.                   I understand why we protect the wildflowers now… I… Continue reading

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Deny love..

Deny love A Poem by Coyote Poetry  Thank you Sarah ~ Lady Idriel for the use of a few lines.                      Deny love.. “How could I love you the wrong way?How could this be… Continue reading

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The old soldier..

The old Soldier… A Story by Coyote Poetry  Only Soldiers understand what another soldier had saw and felt. Strangers to war and violence cannot understand. When you are near death for too long. You… Continue reading

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I understand why we protect the wildflowers now..

I understand why we protect the wildflowers now. A Poem by Coyote Poetry  Wildflowers are protected in Michigan. Took me years to understand why. I lost a good friend to war in August 2004.… Continue reading

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My little one…

My little one A Poem by Coyote Poetry  For Amie D. A miss poet and friend.                         My little one…Love, Amie, love.Five foot tall, hair of strawberry red.Sweet smile that can steal your heart.… Continue reading

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Your face…

Your face.. A Poem by Coyote Poetry  July poetry number nineteen.  Your face… I brought her close and I told her. Honey, you will be alright. We will figure something out. Her eyes were… Continue reading

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Maybe Basel, Maybe Florence…

Maybe Florence, maybe Basel… “June poetry number nine… Beautiful places, beautiful places. We shall never forget.” Once beautiful Swiss gal befriended me in the late Spring of 1979. We met in London and… Continue reading

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