Tag Archive: Friendship

“Be an flexible branch than an dead root”

Be an flexible branch than an dead roots A Story by Coyote Poetry I learn the past is gone and today actions matter, by a New Orleans Tarot card reader.                             Be an… Continue reading

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Good days, good music and lost dreams of Utopia

    Dear Brothers and sisters You are gone and I’m here. We fought side by side in war and in life. I left you to fight alone. You die on a faraway… Continue reading

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The street Poet

(Thank you my dear friend on Writer’s cafe. Honored me with these words)       In the moment we become A Poem by KLGoode to the very inspiring John — aka Coyote… Continue reading

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For Christina May Shanaberg. Can’t forget the kind Poets who are missed.

Christina May Shanaberg left  our world 8 June 2012. She was a friendly voice and friend on Writer Cafe. These are her poetry. We must allow her words to live so she will… Continue reading

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What will I remember?

What will I remember? A Poem by Coyote Poetry Life is long. People are many. What is truly important? What will I remember? Days pass by. Life goes on. What will I hold… Continue reading

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Mend and alter

Mend and alter A Poem by Coyote Poetry Life is hard. Needs time to heal and to be reborn again.                          Mend and alter Life is simple my friends. There is consequences for… Continue reading

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Dead ends

Dead ends A Poem by Coyote Poetry Time for all of us to think and do the right things. Before it is too late for us and nature.                  Dead ends Brothers told… Continue reading

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Wisdom of a wasted life.

Wisdom of a wasted life A Poem by Coyote Poetry Sometime is hard to see beyond our own life.              Wisdom of a wasted life. When we are born. Even the poorest of… Continue reading

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Please don’t forget me.

                                  A young writer on Writer’s Cafe had left us. She taught us to respect and enjoy the word. Her name is Jade Innes.  A new Angel is in heaven. I hope she… Continue reading

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Mercy and forgiveness my friend. We need.

Mercy and forgiveness my friend. We need. A Poem by Coyote Poetry Need mercy and good friends to survive this life. The Quality of Mercy The quality of mercy is not strain’d. It… Continue reading

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