Tag Archive: Friendship

The wisp/the kiss….

The wisp/ the kiss, the memory. The Long Island ice tea…. Part one He had traveled 1500 miles to see her face and he went to her home. He waited for her and… Continue reading

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Ly O Lay Ale Loya (Circle Dance)

Ly O Lay Ale Loya (Circle Dance) The elder is burning the sage, cleansing the air of separation.   He told the people, many races, many hearts and we are becoming one in… Continue reading

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More than a name on the wall

More than a name on the wall (Freedom isn’t free. Some men and women, gave everything away for freedom.) I became the old soldier in the tavern now. Drinking with the  ghosts of… Continue reading

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Hey brother, hey sister.

Hey brother, hey sister It is January 8th and the cold of Winter is upon me.   The slowness of January allowed me to remember friends alive and gone. Today  I remember young men… Continue reading

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My kind friend, I remember.

    The last time I saw your face, my kind friend. I remember. When we are blessed with youth and vinegar. We don’t know. We have few mentors and people who shall… Continue reading

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Coming home

Coming home A Poem by Coyote Poetry Some days faces of friends lost to war appear in my thoughts.                              Coming home I go  alone early every Wednesday to the nearby Veteran memorial.… Continue reading

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“Old soldier”

Old Soldier   A Story by Coyote Poetry Only Soldiers understand what another soldier had seen and felt. Strangers to war and violence cannot understand. When you are near death for too long.… Continue reading

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I miss you my friend

War seldom enters but where wealth allures.    John Dryden War is a trade of kings.   John Dryden Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired, signifies in the final sense… Continue reading

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July fourth poetry. Nonfiction, Shadows of war

Shadows of war A Story by Coyote Poetry War can catch even the cold in heart.         Shadows I was a Soldier for almost 15 years. I volunteered for every… Continue reading

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A witness to life

A witness to life A Poem by Coyote Poetry Just words                          A witness to life I left the Army in 2000. I wanted to see my kids grow-up. Good friends didn’t. Old… Continue reading

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